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REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) has been designed to regulate and restrict the importation of chemicals and essential oils into the EU. Its main principle is to establish which chemicals are of very high concern, both to the environment and personal health, and to initiate a time frame for various chemical safety reports to be completed, covering a wide range of issues including toxicological and environmental issues, and to determine a time frame for these chemicals to be substituted for safer ones, or a limitation, on use or volume, to be put in place.

The effect of this guideline impacts nearly every industry within the EU, whether, as an importer or subsequent downstream user/manufacturer/processor as chemicals are used in nearly all everyday items. Failure to register a particular chemical’s use or uses can result in the manufacturing company having to register all relevant documentation individually, which could prove costly.

The pre-registration deadline was 1st December 2008 with the following final registration deadlines as follows:

1 – 10 tons 2018

10 – 100 tons 2013

100 – 1,000 tons 2010

Gerald McDonald & Co Ltd is currently ensuring that any essential oil or chemical that we import complies with REACH.

For more detailed information please refer to the ECHA website link below: